Akram Khan and Malavika Sarukkai on Bringing the Inherited into the Present

March 30, 2023

This special episode in partnership with The Kennedy Center features Akram Khan and Malavika Sarukkai, renowned choreographers and performers who both have roots in Indian classical dance traditions. They join to discuss the continued relevance of classical forms in a contemporary context, and how their work combines the old and the new.
A transcript of this episode is available here: thedanceedit.com/transcript-episode-152

More about Malavika Sarukkai’s performances at The Kennedy Center’s RiverRun Festival: kennedy-center.org/whats-on/explore-by-genre/international/2022-2023/riverrun-malavika-sarukkai-river-sutra
More about Akram Khan Company’s Sadler’s Wells performances of “Jungle Book reimagined”: sadlerswells.com/whats-on/akram-khan-company-jungle-book-reimagined
Akram Khan Company website: akramkhancompany.net

The Kennedy Center website: kennedy-center.org
The Kennedy Center social accounts:

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