We Can't Stop Laughing at This Broadway Dance Call Parody
It’s not often that a dance video provokes bona fide cackling in our office, but this new episode of BroadwayWorld TV’s improv-based series “Turning the Tables” is just too real. For this episode, seven Broadway pros were invited to a mock dance call. With series regulars Ellyn Marie Marsh, Andrew Briedis, Andrew Chappelle and Julia Mattison running the “audition,” disaster and hilarity (mostly hilarity) ensue.
First of all, it’s amazing to see Broadway dancers like Neil Haskell, Eloise Kropp and Samantha Sturm try to keep straight faces with the amount of deadpan shenanigans happening at the front of the room. And if you’ve ever been to a Broadway dance call, you’re going to be struck by just how on point the jokes are. Plus, it’s just really, really funny.
Watch now. Thank us later.