Juilliard Celebrates the Masters
This weekend, Juilliard’s dance division celebrates three modern masters with its spring series, “Dance Masterworks of the 20th Century.” Juilliard students will perform Martha Graham’s Appalachian Spring, Jose Limon’s There is a Time, and Antony Tudor’s Dark Elegies. All three choreographers were former Juilliard faculty members. The performances on March 29 and 30 are also a part of a special Tudor festival—held in conjunction with the Tudor Ballet Trust—commemorating the 100th birthday of the British choreographer, who created his masterpiece Jardin Aux Lilas on Juilliard dancers.
The Tudor Centennial Celebration will include studio demonstrations and panel discussions with well-known Tudor interpreters like former ABT dancer Kathleen Moore. “So much of today’s dance world is so affected; style rules over substance,” says Moore. “Tudor’s work is all about substance. It teaches you how to keep yourself simple and get to the heart.” A pass to the entire weekend’s events costs $75. Get yours at www.juilliard.edu.