Take a Free Butoh Class With Cover Star Mina Nishimura
Mina Nishimura is beloved for her chameleon-like abilities, whether in experimental dance projects or quirky pop culture collaborations. One reason she’s so easily able to slip between styles? Her background in butoh, which has taught her how to “empty her body and sense of self so that she can be easily transformed,” writes Chava Pearl Lansky in this month’s cover story.
Now, you’re invited to get a taste of what Nishimura calls “a quick bite of butoh practice.” On Wednesday, May 19, at 4 pm Eastern, she’ll be teaching a free class on Dance Media Live! Through specific breath and movement practices, she says the session will introduce students to “alternate and unique ways of being, moving and nourishing our internal landscapes.”
Click here to register, and submit any questions you’d like to ask her during the brief Q&A following the 45-minute class. No previous experience in dance or movement practice is necessary.