Search results for: linda hamilton

Advice for Dancers

The other day I jammed my big toe into the floor doing quick ronds de jambe à terre. Strangely, this happened on both sides of the barre, causing a sharp pain as each big toe bent backwards. Did this occur from switching to softer split-sole canvas slippers? Or is it the result of the bunions […]

Advice for Dancers

I’m at the advanced level in my dance school and want very much to be a professional dancer. I know I need to work hard to get a job in a dance company. How do I become special? I don’t want to be a mediocre dancer. —Determined, Cleveland, OH   Self-discipline, talent, good training and […]

Advice for Dancers

Many dancers in our company are on overdrive. They work morning to night until they get injured. Others barely perform, then dance a great role, get injured, and are out for months. How can I avoid the same trap? I’m not sure how to do it other than going to the gym and taking class. […]

Advice For Dancers

What can I do to stop muscle cramps? Sometimes they hit me in the middle of the night and hurt for days. Or they happen when I’m dancing or working in class. Is this normal? Cramped NYC You’re not alone. Nearly every dancer has had muscle spasms wake them out of a deep sleep or […]

Advice for Dancers

Help! Ever since I left home to start my dance BFA program, I’ve felt non-stop stress. I think I hide it pretty well during the day, but at night I often get an urge to eat a giant bag of M &Ms. I’ve always been a healthy eater and I hate gaining weight—what should I […]

Advice for Dancers

I’ve read your book, Advice for Dancers, and I know you’ve done research on body image and eating disorders. I’d like to explore the differences between modern and ballet dancers in this area for my senior project at the University of South Florida. I’m having problems finding resources that focus directly on dancers. Can you […]

Dance Medicine: Issues in Training and Treatment

Bruised toenails, sprained ankles, mental blocks—you name it, dancing is tough. In fact, techniques such as ballet, can take a bigger toll on your mind and body than professional football. Fortunately, it/’s more possible than ever to avoid injuries and reach your potential if you/’re up-to-date on the latest scientific news from around the world. […]

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