Search results for: working out with

Teacher's Wisdom: Gerry Houlihan

A former dancer with Lar Lubovitch’s company, Gerri Houlihan is renowned for her fluid fusion of modern and ballet techniques that serves today’s contemporary dancers. Houlihan trained with Antony Tudor and José Limón at the Juilliard School. For the last 20 summers, she has taught modern dance at the American Dance Festival at Duke University. […]

On the Rise: Sarah Lane

Sarah Lane could be the smallest girl American Ballet Theatre has ever hired into the corps. Yet neither height nor technique are the first thing you notice about this vibrant 20-year-old. Instead your eye goes to her open upper body, breathtaking line, and strong, solid center. Even in corps roles—like the peasants in Swan Lake […]

Dance Idols: 12 Star Performers on their Idols

Everyone has an idol, a mentor, a personal hero—someone whose influence inspires life-changing decisions. For dancers, those pivotal moments might come from seeing a breathtaking performance, watching the evolving artistry of a colleague, or opening their minds to the revelations offered by a coach, choreographer, or director. Dance Magazine contributing editor Cheryl Ossola asked 12 dancers—themselves […]

Dreamweaver: Allegra Kent guides Miami City Ballet through La Sonnambula

The story concerns a Poet who appears at a Baron’s lavish party And becomes enamored of a Coquette (apparently the host’s mistress). subsequently (when the guests have retired from supper) he meets the mysterious Sleepwalker (the host’s wife), is discovered following her to her room by the jealous Coquette, and finally is stabbed to death […]

Wheels Welcome: Axis Dance Company

On a brightly-lit stage, members of Axis Dance Company climb on one another like mountaineers, scaling each other’s wheelchairs as they pull their bodies upward. Feet replace hands and elbows lock with knees. Forming a tableau of mutual support, they are wheeled towards the audience as though part of a slow-moving wave. They are performing […]

Curtain Up

As a young choreographer, I felt the pull between trying to run a dance company in New York City and teaching at a college in Vermont. Because of my academic schedule, I could never put enough time into my choreography, and because of my involvement in New York, my fellow faculty members resented my off-campus […]

Advice for Dancers

I’m concerned about a dancer in my company who uses drugs and alcohol. Management has asked him to go into rehab. He admitted he was struggling and entered a program. How can I help? We used to be friends before he had these problems. Can you tell me why this happens? Getting Sober New York, […]

The Double-Edged Mirror

You enter the studio, drop your bag, and find your place at the barre. As you switch sides during your initial stretch, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. But that glance is often far from casual, and what crosses your mind in that split-second sighting can flavor the rest of your class. […]

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