Splash Around, $12 Yoga, and More!
What better way to beat the heat than BodyVox’s SplashDance? Every Wednesday at 11:30 AM starting next week through the end of August, company members will lead Portland kids (and some fun-loving adults) in creative movement—free. Check out their website for more info… Wish you knew more music video choreography? Head down to NYC’s Seaport Village at 7:30 on Wednesday nights to learn combinations from your favorite videos for free (think back to when Britney had all her hair)… And more for you NYCers – your first yoga class at DNA’s OM Yoga is only $12. Hurry up and check out the schedule, because this offer ends July 31… Register at Calgary’s School of Decidedly Jazz by August 15th, and save 15% off regular class prices. Better yet, bring a friend and receive $25 in class credit! Get more info here…