News of Note: What You Might Have Missed in April 2024
Here are the latest promotions, appointments, and departures, as well as notable awards and accomplishments, from April 2024.
Here are the latest promotions, appointments, and departures, as well as notable awards and accomplishments, from April 2024.
Maybe even more than most industries, the dance field is obsessed with youth. We fawn over prodigies, we love to predict the next big thing. Yes, Dance Magazine itself is 100 percent guilty of this, with features like “25 to Watch” and On the Rise. But just because a performing career can be short doesn’t […]
For choreographers, leaving the “emerging” status comes with its own set of ups and downs. Luck, location and access to gatekeepers all factor into how the doors of opportunity open to arrive in that elusive middle place known as “mid-career.” Whether one works a decade to get there or is catapulted there after a quick […]
In the time between COVID-19’s first worrisome appearance in the U.S. and, for many, months of shelter-in-place orders, dancers and teachers alike found their opinions of online learning shifting: from outright resistance, initially, to begrudging acceptance, to—for some—actual enthusiasm. Choreographer and University of Illinois associate professor Abby Zbikowski likens that attitude shift to the stages […]
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