Young woman standing out, stationary in motion blurred crowd

Op-Ed: Should Dancers Say Yes to Every Opportunity?

The reality of a dancer’s life is often more complicated than what we imagined as young students. We must become not just powerful artists but also skilled marketers, social media managers, and self-care experts. This, coupled with the need to pay rent and buy food, can create a heavy schedule of work and art. Time […]

Amy Jordan sits atop a stone wall, her right leg extended upwards as she leans in to kiss her knee.

Making the Impossible Possible With the Power of Movement

“If something happened to you today and you couldn’t dance tomorrow, how would you dance right now?” I was posing this question to a group of some 80 dancers auditioning for my company, The Victory Dance Project. The air in the room got tense. There was nervous fidgeting. To me, this wasn’t merely a hypothetical […]

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