Safe Spaces: Harlequin Floors Allow College Dancers to Focus on Developing as Artists

Between balancing dance classes with academic requirements and rehearsal schedules with studying, college dance students have plenty on their minds. What shouldn’t be added to that list? Whether the studio floors they’re spending their days on will cause injury or discomfort. Thanks to Harlequin Floors, students and professors at a growing number of colleges know […]

Liz Lerman's Latest Work Is Inspired By Witchcraft Imagery

Liz Lerman’s works have a lot of moving parts. There’s material to investigate, research to integrate, collaborations to incorporate and audiences to share with along the way. These days, her process takes considerable time—often two to three years—but that doesn’t faze Lerman. “I don’t mind taking time, but I’m older,” says the 72-year-old choreographer. Her […]

ASU Hosts a Conference Exploring the Impact of the Jewish Experience on Dance

When the Bible spoke of the “ingathering of the exiles,” it didn’t have dance in mind. Yet, this month, more than 100 dancers, choreographers and scholars from around the world will gather at Arizona State University to celebrate the impact of Jews and the Jewish experience on dance. From hora to hip hop, social justice […]

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