Don't Make These 5 Mistakes Before Your Next Audition

In the days and hours before an audition, your to-do list might include researching the company, conditioning your muscles, updating your resumé or taking a long walk to clear your head. But what you don’t do before pinning on your number can be just as critical to your success. 1. Don’t stray from your feel-good […]

3 Directors on How to Ace Your Audition Interview

Even if you make it through to the final round of an audition, that doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed a spot on the roster. Before handing out contracts, many companies also require prospective dancers to complete an interview with staff. How can you impress your potential employer with your words as much as your dancing? […]

Confessions From An Audition Judge

Dear Aspiring Dancers, I am a former principal dancer, an artistic coordinator at Charlotte Ballet Academy, a teacher and a mother. I travel from city to city and teach your audition classes. I walk around the room judging your every move and deciding your fate after 90 minutes of instruction. Some of you are interested […]

7 Things Your Agent Wishes You Knew

If you’re not booking the jobs you want, don’t assume it’s a reflection of your talent. All too often, the most gifted performers get passed up for the ones who know how to work the industry better. Mistakes you don’t even realize you’re making could be interfering with your success. To help you get out […]

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