Take a Virtual Master Class with March Cover Star Indiana Woodward
Join Dance Magazine for an online master class with this month’s cover star, New York City Ballet principal dancer Indiana Woodward, on Monday, March 21.
Join Dance Magazine for an online master class with this month’s cover star, New York City Ballet principal dancer Indiana Woodward, on Monday, March 21.
Why can’t I jump as high as my male partner? We both have to perform the same series of jetés in a workshop performance and practicing isn’t helping. I’m starting to panic. —Amy, Cincinnati, OH The gender gap between men and women for jump height is significant whether you’re playing basketball or dancing ballet. Research […]
When most people think of dance students, they imagine lithe children and teenagers waltzing around classrooms with their legs lifted to their ears. It doesn’t often cross our minds that dance training can involve an older woman trying to build strength in her body to ward off balance issues, or a middle-aged man who didn’t […]
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