Jennifer Backhaus sitting at the front of the studio watching students perform exercises at the barre

How to Make the Most of Summer Breaks as a Dance Major

Even after the whirlwind of Nutcracker season and finals dies down, summer break can feel very far away. Still, because appli­cations for intensives, internships, and jobs open in winter, now is the time to start planning for the warmer months. Find Your Focus In her Intro to Dance Studies course at Chapman University, Jennifer Backhaus […]

a male choreographer wearing a green shirt watching dancers in a studio

Dwight Rhoden Brings Contemporary Ballet and Professional Connections to Chapman University

“I just kind of fell in love with the program,” says Rhoden,­ who has a long history teaching and choreographing in higher ed settings, including at New York University, The Juilliard School, University of California Irvine, Skidmore College, and the University of Mississippi. At Chapman, he says, there was “a great vibe in the studio and in the program and the people.”

The College Dancer's Guide to Online Networking

Connecting with an artistic director on LinkedIn. Sliding into a choreographer’s Instagram DMs. Tweeting at your favorite dancer. With so many ways to network online, it’s hard to know which are most professional and effective. How can students use today’s digital tools to build meaningful relationships with the professionals they meet on campus? Networking Must-Dos […]

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