an instructor standing in the middle of a studio with students lying on their backs on the floor

Choreographer Ching Ching Wong on Finding a Home in Dance

I dance because dance is home. Home as I have built it, home as it feels, and home where I find the people I love and who love me. Through dance I have tasted freedom, instinct, abandon, and trust. I have learned how to make mistakes, how to fail, how to collaborate, how to be disappointed, how to work hard, how to be proud of both myself and of others. This home has raised me and it has shaped the woman I am. I have found my voice. Dance has shown me that magic is real and this life we have is singular and spectacular.

Has the Quest for Versatility Erased Dancers’ Movement Signatures?

“Dancers can do everything these days,” I announced to whoever was in earshot at the Jacob’s Pillow Archives during a recent summer. I had just been dazzled by footage of a ballet dancer performing hip hop, remarkably well. But my very next thought was, What if that isn’t always a good thing? What if what […]

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