Headshot of a blonde woman on a black background, her shirt draping down over her shoulder to show a scar above her left breast

Begin Again: Dealing With a Spoonful of Setbacks

When I was a young dancer, a teacher once told me that a day off in dance was like a week off in any other passion. Although this is a myth that’s been debunked, those words have still haunted me every day for the past nine years.

How Dance Experts Are Reimagining the Post-COVID World

The lurch of conflicting COVID-19 guidance has wildly shifted how we occupy space with one another. Our collective improvisation through the “coronasphere” (as scholar Kate Elswit brilliantly named it) has been subject to an onslaught of rules, reversals and regulations. As part of a shared research project with Dr. Heidi Boisvert and Melissa Painter through […]

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