9 Grant-Writing Mistakes Panelists Wish You'd Stop Making

Dance artists put in painstaking hours of work applying for grants. But all too often, their efforts are derailed by mistakes that could have been fixed in mere minutes. Since the panelists who decide what gets funded often have to read more than 100 applications, yours needs to be as clear and error-free as possible. […]

It's Time to Reimagine Dance Funding

It was March 2019. Waiting inside my daughter’s doctor’s office, I scrolled through my email, coming upon a grant notification that seemed hopeful. Usually, I delete email responses to applications, sparing myself the piercing disappointment of “Thank you for your application…We received an unusually high volume of…regret to inform you…” Something about this one seemed […]

A woman linges deep on a hardwood floor, a mansittnig on a sofa in the background

Give Artists a Home

When the world as we knew it came to a wild halt in March, I felt like I’d slammed up against the wall of life. Suddenly, I was forced to take a good hard look at the ways I’d been flying forward without ground beneath my feet. COVID-19 unearthed many painful truths about being a […]

This Year's Varna International Ballet Competition Just Got Postponed

The oldest ballet competition in the world doesn’t have the funds for the show to go on: The 29th edition of the Varna International Ballet Competition, scheduled for July 12–30, 2020, has been postponed indefinitely. Organizers told Reuters that they haven’t received sufficient sponsorship or donations to produce the event this year. According to the […]

Kickstarter Just Launched a New Way to Fund Your Work

Dancers love Kickstarter. Over the past eight years, more than 2,300 dance projects have brought in more than $12 million through campaigns on the site. Even traditional companies like Martha Graham Dance Company and MacArthur “genius” award-winning choreographers like Michelle Dorrance have gotten in on the action. But starting today, the site is announcing a […]

How to Save the NEA

Since January, we’ve been tracking the possibility that the U.S. government may reduce funding for or completely eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts from the federal budget. Earlier today, President Trump released the proposed budget for the 2018 fiscal year, and needless to say, we’re feeling frustrated. The drafted budget cuts the NEA, along […]

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