TBT: Gene Kelly On Creating An American in Paris

The cover of the August 1951 issue of Dance Magazine featured Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron in an image from the feature film An American in Paris, which premiered in London that month. In an essay penned for the issue, Kelly described their approach to making the film’s 18-minute central ballet with the cinema in […]

Legendary Movie Musical Choreographer and Director Stanley Donen Has Died

American choreographer and filmmaker Stanley Donen died of heart failure in New York City on February 21, 2019. He was 94. Donen is best known for co-directing Singin’ in the Rain (1953) with Gene Kelly, propelling the classic MGM movie musical to international fame. On the Town (1949), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) and […]

"Dance Is the Best Way I Know How to Express Myself"

I have always been extremely dramatic. I think “extremely” might even be an understatement. As a child, I was constantly in costume. Never clothes. Always a costume. When I was 8 we moved into a new house, and took a home video to send to my dad’s family. My siblings were performing a song for […]

Choreography's Constantly Shifting Role on Broadway

I first got hooked on Broadway musicals as a preteen at Gypsy, with its tapping moppets, gyrating burlesque queens and Tulsa, the dancing heartthrob. I’ve been going ever since, but Dance Magazine has been at it even longer. The 1926-27 Broadway season was just ending when DM began publication, and of its 200-plus shows, dozens […]

How Did Fred Astaire Help Debbie Reynolds Learn to Dance?

After the spooky mother-daughter passing of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher last week, the Internet is aglow with clips of one or the other or both. Focusing on one great scene, the “Good Morning” song from Singin’ in the Rain, one might assume that Reynolds was as experienced a dancer as the formidable Gene Kelly […]

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