These Are The Performances Our Readers Loved The Most This Year

We asked you for nominations, compiled your suggestions and let you vote on your favorites. Here’s what you chose: Best Viral Video Winner : Andrew Winghart’s “Cry Me a River” Other Nominees: • Kyle Hanagami’s “Shape of You” • The Kennedy Center’s staff video for National Dance Day • Tiler Peck in Charlotte OC’s “Medicine […]

Inside Daniil Simkin's New Guggenheim Project

Late one Friday night, Daniil Simkin and Cassandra Trenary are running a new duet inside the Frank Lloyd Wright–designed rotunda in New York City’s Guggenheim Museum. Trenary drops her weight back into Simkin’s arms and lets him slide her, spinning, into the ground. They clasp hands like children to pull each other close, an intimate […]

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