It's Time to Dispel the Myth of "Ideal" Dancer Weight

As a dietitian specializing in dance nutrition, the most common DM flooding my inbox is “How can I drop pounds (specifically from body fat) and gain muscle?” The short answer? Not happening. The more we attempt to control the number on the scale, the more we risk developing physiological, biological and psychological deterrents that can […]

Try This App for a Healthier Grocery Haul

I’m naturally thin and have been living on fast food such as burgers, fries and pizza. Now I’m trying to eat better to prepare for auditions. I know the basics, like choosing good carbs, protein and fat, but it’s hard to make smart choices when I’m grocery shopping. Any ideas? —S.H., New York, NY It’s […]

When Ambition Meets Injury

How can I prevent injuries when I’m rehearsing new pieces most days and performing them at night? I’ve only been a corps member for a few years, but my body is starting to feel like a bag of bones. —B.C., New York, NY I’m not surprised that a demanding schedule is taxing your body. A […]

How To Keep Your Body In Top Shape At Summer Intensives

Few things are most frustrating than arriving at your summer intensive full of excitement—only to get injured, stuck sitting out on the sidelines and missing out on the experience you signed up for. To help you avoid this disappointment, we tapped Daniel Cuttica, D.O., an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon with The Centers for Advanced […]

10 Pros Show Us How to Prioritize Self Care

Living the #dancerlife is no easy feat. Between daily technique classes, late night rehearsals and numerous side gigs to get the bills paid, dancers often don’t prioritize self care. It may seem like the least important item on your never-ending to-do list, but it’s vital to make time for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. […]

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