Eat to Heal: These 4 Nutrients Can Soothe Sore Muscles

Sometimes after a long day of dancing, it can feel like your entire body could use an ice bath. Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is muscle pain that sets in 24 to 72 hours after strenuous exercise, due to the breakdown of muscle fibers. Usually, it happens after trying something brand-new or a movement […]

How To Keep Your Body In Top Shape At Summer Intensives

Few things are most frustrating than arriving at your summer intensive full of excitement—only to get injured, stuck sitting out on the sidelines and missing out on the experience you signed up for. To help you avoid this disappointment, we tapped Daniel Cuttica, D.O., an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon with The Centers for Advanced […]

How to Prevent Body Acne When You're Sweating All Day

As a dancer, you probably spend the majority of your time donning a leotard and sweating it out in the studio. But constantly wearing tight, sweaty fabrics can take a toll on your skin. “Body acne is caused by the same factors that trigger acne on the face: overactive oil glands, dead skin cells that […]

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