A group of dancers onstage, wearing white. One wearing a giant head with a chef's hat. He places a hand on a dancer lying on the floor.

How to Avoid Costume-Related Injuries

Creative costumes are like moving sculptures, seamlessly blending with sets and lighting to help dancers and choreographers bring another world to life onstage. But they can bring challenges, too. Physical therapist Giovanna Salerno, PT, DPT, OCS, says that she’s worked with several patients whose ailments can be traced to costumes. “You’re having to perform and […]

a male dancer wearing street clothes and sneaker posing in front of a grey backdrop

How to Deal with Onstage Injuries

Onstage injuries can happen to even the most experienced performers. When they do, it’s important that dancers safeguard their health, balancing the “show must go on” mentality with proper care and expedient treatment.

woman holding her head and neck in pain

Common Head and Neck Injuries Dancers Need to Take Seriously

While head and neck injuries are often associated with contact sports like football or ice hockey, they can also be a real problem for dancers. Falling out of a lift and hitting your head, getting kicked or elbowed in a crowded rehearsal, or bumping your head on a prop or scenery could lead to a concussion or serious neck injury.

Op-Ed: It's Time To Re-Evaluate the Term "Overuse"

Injuries occur in dance frequently. Numerous studies show that at any given time, 40 to 95 percent of the dancers in a given studio or company are injured. This is not news to anyone. But how many times have you been told your injury is because of “overuse”? Doctors use this term often when dancers […]

How To Keep Your Body Healthy in Winter Weather

As the temperatures drop and sweater weather begins, most of us groan at the thought of chilly muscles and achy bones. Dancers know that a cold winter can make our bodies feel “off.” Dance Magazine tapped Dr. Thomas Sanders, a board-certified foot and ankle specialist at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics, to find out how […]

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