Could Icing Your Injuries Actually Slow Down Your Recovery?

It’s become second nature in dance studios: The instant anyone gets hurt, our immediate reaction is to run to the freezer to grab some ice (or, more realistically, a package of frozen peas). But as routine as icing our injuries might be, the benefits are not actually backed up by scientific studies. And some experts […]

Injured? How to Avoid the Self-Blame Spiral

Dealing with a dance injury? Dr. Brian Goonan, a Houston-based psychologist who works with dancers, gives advice on refocusing your emotions when you’re on the road to recovery. Reflection over criticism It’s normal for dancers to slip into a spiral of “shoulda-woulda-coulda” after an injury. “You don’t want it to happen again, so you’re trying […]

Why It's Important to Come Back From Injury on Your Own Terms

It felt like fabric ripping in my shoulder. In spring of 2019, while on tour with the Paul Taylor Dance Company in Florida, I slipped on some sweat during a solo in Esplanade and landed shoulder first. I couldn’t lift my arm for the rest of the last section, a series of catapults across the […]

Injured? How Crying Can Help the Recovery Process

I’ve been on a crying jag since I sprained my ankle for the third time. It kills me that I can’t dance my favorite roles. I’m also disgusted with myself for being a crybaby. —Maggy, Philadelphia, PA You’re being too hard on yourself. Crying is a natural, healthy response to sadness and frustration, according to […]

Injured? A Setback Can Be a Step Forward

I feel like a failure because I canceled a big competition after getting injured. I’d hoped that ending up in the finals might get me a position in a company. Now what? —Devon, Washington, DC Congratulations for acting like a seasoned pro! Dancing injured can cause greater damage to your body while also leaving an […]

Why Can't I Heal? 8 Reasons Your Injury Might Be Taking Longer To Recover

You’ve rested and rehabilitated. But what if an injury still bothers you? Health-care professionals share eight reasons dancers might heal more slowly than expected. You Got the Wrong Diagnosis Make sure you’re targeting the right injury. Photo via Unsplash If a chronic injury won’t heal, make sure you are treating the right one. According to […]

Should You Try Active Release Techniques?

Whenever I get a massage, I like to completely zone out until I’m just barely not asleep. Even if it’s a deeper sports massage, I go to my happy place (kayaking on a lake with a golden retriever sitting next to me) in an attempt to ignore the pain. But should a massage session actually […]

How Could I Get Injured While Recovering from an Injury?

How could I get a bone bruise from wearing a boot for a stress fracture in my fifth metatarsal? It’s taking forever to go away, and I can’t dance full-out. Help! —Anonymous, New York, NY A metatarsal injury like yours (aka the “dancer’s fracture”) typically needs six to eight weeks to heal in a short […]

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