Injured? The Surprising Reason to Watch Your Calories

When dancers get injured, they often think they should eat less. The thought process goes something like, Since I’m not able to move as much as I usually do, I’m not burning enough calories to justify the portions I’m used to. But the truth is, scaling back your meals could actually be detrimental to your […]

Op-Ed: It's Time To Re-Evaluate the Term "Overuse"

Injuries occur in dance frequently. Numerous studies show that at any given time, 40 to 95 percent of the dancers in a given studio or company are injured. This is not news to anyone. But how many times have you been told your injury is because of “overuse”? Doctors use this term often when dancers […]

How To Keep Your Body In Top Shape At Summer Intensives

Few things are most frustrating than arriving at your summer intensive full of excitement—only to get injured, stuck sitting out on the sidelines and missing out on the experience you signed up for. To help you avoid this disappointment, we tapped Daniel Cuttica, D.O., an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon with The Centers for Advanced […]

Injured? 10 Ways to Take Charge of Your Recovery

The first time I got injured, it felt like my life was put on hold. I’d fractured my fifth metatarsal, and was only out for six weeks, but it felt like six years. While everyone else was dancing, improving and performing, I was hobbling around in an ugly boot, with nothing to do but attempt […]

The Stress/Injury Connection

If you’re sitting out of rehearsal today, chances are you’re not alone: Dancers are among the most frequently injured of all athletes. The long hours of training, along with repetitive and wide-ranging movements, put dancers at an exceptional risk. But knowing you’re not the only one on the sidelines doesn’t make it any easier. “Dancers […]

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