HALEY HILTON is a young fair-skinned blonde woman in a white t-shirt and jeans. She sits cross-legged, surrounded by 8 girls in lavender-colored leotards and skirts.

Begin Again: Side Hustles!

Most dancers have side gigs to pay the bills. Here, I share how I chose my nonperformance jobs and how the combination of careers has benefited my dancing.

a line of dancers in leotards stands alongside a barre inside a dance studio, with numbers pinned to their torsos

The Ballet Job Market Needs a Market (Re)Design

The pandemic has contributed to many shifts in the dance world, as the community has outspokenly criticized longstanding practices and cultural norms. However, no one has called into question the structure (or, rather, the lack thereof) of the job market. As a now-retired ballet dancer of nearly a decade and a PhD student in economics […]

Welcome to the New Online Casting Platform for Dancers Around the World

Choreographer Amy Gardner used to consistently run into the same problem: When jobs popped up in different cities, whether for Nick Jonas or Neiman Marcus, finding dancers wasn’t easy, and casting was slowing down her momentum. “Sometimes we’re looking in Slovenia or Mexico City, and even in L.A. or New York not all dancers are […]

Jobs for Dancers: Check Out These Casting Calls

Looking for dance work? Browse these casting calls for dancers, courtesy of Backstage. Dancers with disabilities for a talent series Casting for a digital series. A well known YouTuber will meet up with various dancers with disabilities to get to know each other, and collaborate on an epic dance performance together. They’ll exchange stories and […]

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