What This DM Editor Learned From Choreographing on ABT Dancers

“Is everyone okay?” was my most used sentence during my time with American Ballet Theatre. There I was, leading world-class ABT dancers through my own choreographic process. I knew that it was unlike anything they’d ever experienced, but I think half of the time I was asking that question, it was really directed to myself. […]

ABT Incubator Looks to Promote Burgeoning Choreographic Talent

This month, American Ballet Theatre principal David Hallberg sees the first test of his directorial chops with the launch of ABT Incubator, the company’s latest initiative to promote the creation of new ballets, particularly by in-house talent. For the first iteration, the choreographers were selected by a panel comprising Hallberg, ABT artistic director Kevin McKenzie, […]

50 Years and 110 Dances Later, Lar Lubovitch is Still Worth Watching

Lar Lubovitch has made more than 110 dances for his troupe, the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company. For the celebration of its 50th anniversary, the choreographer has programmed his bracing Men’s Stories: A Concerto in Ruin (2000) as well as a premiere titled Something About Night, set to choral music by Schubert. The inclusion on the […]

Lar Lubovitch On Using Creative Blocks To His Advantage

Since starting his company in 1968, Lar Lubovitch has stood at the forefront of modern dance—although he is hesitant to label his work as “modern.” “I’ve always felt I’ve been making dances,” he says. “I’ve always called them dances and I’ve never been one to exclude any language of movement. When I’m making a dance […]

This Month: Mean Girls Finally Makes Its Broadway Debut

She had a varied, flourishing career that included dancing for Lar Lubovitch, touring with the Bad Boys of Dance, and performing at Radio City Musical Hall and in Broadway shows. But Kamille Upshaw really wanted to make Mean Girls happen. Not because she’d known Reginas or Plastics in high school—at Baltimore School for the Arts, […]

Lar Lubovitch: Why I Want To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

Lar Lubovitch at the 2016 Dance Magazine Awards. Photo by Christopher Duggan. Lar Lubovitch gave such a moving, thought-provoking speech at the Dance Magazine Awards this December that we felt compelled to share it with readers who weren’t there. He gave us permission to present the entire text here. At the age of 3 or […]

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