Safe Spaces: Harlequin Floors Allow College Dancers to Focus on Developing as Artists

Between balancing dance classes with academic requirements and rehearsal schedules with studying, college dance students have plenty on their minds. What shouldn’t be added to that list? Whether the studio floors they’re spending their days on will cause injury or discomfort. Thanks to Harlequin Floors, students and professors at a growing number of colleges know […]

a female dancer standing in 4th position while holding the hand of a male dancer performing a developpe second with his downstage leg

Shifting the Comp Kid Stigma

The “comp kid” image has come a long way. Once viewed as over-the-top performers who prioritize tricks and trophies, competition dancers now fill the ranks of top colleges, conservatories, and companies around the globe. Competition studios are training dancers who aren’t just ready to win—they’re ready to work professionally. And the dance world is now making space for them to thrive.

How Tomorrow’s Choreographers Are Cultivated at Marymount Manhattan College

Most students major in dance seeking rigorous training and career-focused knowledge to succeed in the professional world. But the team at Marymount Manhattan College doesn’t just help students land their dream dance job—they give them the tools to create it. With a degree program unmatched in its flexibility, dance students at Marymount can craft a course of […]

a male dancer wearing white performing a grand jete on stage

Majors and Minors That Enrich a Dance Degree

For many dancers, the right college path is a mixed one, where dance is one component in a combination of majors and minors. It’s a choice that allows them to explore diverse interests, discover unexpected intersections, and deepen their engagement and mastery on multiple fronts.

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