a male dancer on pointe posing in a wide second with one arm up

Meet Three Nonbinary Ballet Dancers Performing On Pointe

Training and performing on pointe are now more widely available to all genders, in both major companies and freelance projects. The result is an expansion­ of the creative possibilities in ballet—and, for nonbinary dancers Maxfield Haynes, Zsilas Michael Hughes, and Leroy Mokgatle, a sense of fulfillment that is as personal as it is artistic.

A colorful collage of the 2022 "25 to Watch" artists in the studio and in performance.

Introducing Our 2022 “25 to Watch”

What’s next? Our annual list of dancers, choreographers and companies on the verge of breaking through offers several answers to the question of where our field is headed. We’re betting we’ll be seeing—and hearing—more from these 25 artists not just this year, but for many more to come.

6 of Our Favorite Digital Dance Projects to Come Out of Quarantine

Limitations foster creativity. While unable to gather in person due to COVID-19, dancers, choreographers and companies have taken to the internet to create new projects conceived for the digital sphere. Here are just a few of our favorites. Redefining Bravery Mei Yamanaka in her as sure as sure can be Mei Yamanaka, Courtesy Ladenheim Curated […]

How Complexions' Maxfield Haynes Is Celebrating Pride & Supporting BLM

With performances on pause, Complexions Contemporary Ballet’s Maxfield Haynes is back home in Louisville, Kentucky. While they’re catching up on Netflix and doing Zoom classes like most dancers sheltering in place, over the past month, the Black, nonbinary ballet dancer has also been taking to the streets, using drag “as a tool for political action” […]

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