Collage of 30 pictures of artists

30 Over 30: Dance Pros Who Prove Success Can Happen at Any Age

Maybe even more than most industries, the dance field is obsessed with youth. We fawn over prodigies, we love to predict the next big thing. Yes, Dance Magazine itself is 100 percent guilty of this, with features like “25 to Watch” and On the Rise. But just because a performing career can be short doesn’t […]

Mia Michaels Opens Up About Burning Bridges

Dancers are human, which means they’re bound to make mistakes from time to time, both on and off the stage. But what happens when those mistakes burn bridges? In an industry so small, is it possible for choreographers and performers to recover? In a moment of vulnerability, three-time Emmy Award winning choreographer Mia Michaels opened […]

Teen Dancers Are Unapologetically Protesting Gun Violence

Dance has a long history of social activism. Heck, our website even has a whole section devoted to it. But tackling social justice causes has typically been the territory of mature dance artists and brainy college students. Not anymore. This year, teenage dancers throughout the country have started getting involved to highlight an issue that […]

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