How Much Does Dance Pay? Take Our Survey About Income in Dance

How much does your dance job pay? And how does that compare to other jobs in dance? That’s the question Dance Magazine is asking in an upcoming feature about money. Right now, we’re looking to collect anonymous information about how much various professionals throughout the dance field make—from dancers and choreographers to teachers, administrators and […]

Op-Ed: Why Freelance Dancing is Undervalued & Underfunded

Freelancing is more common than ever. So why is it that, as the market shifts to favor freelance dancers, we do not pay them enough to subsist on their art? In Dance Magazine‘s August interview with four successful freelance dancers, not one reported making enough from the industry to cover their expenses. Most freelancers get […]

Money Talks

How to have successful conversations about pay Eliza Sherlock-Lewis. Photo by Al Viciedo, Courtesy Sherlock-Lewis. A few months ago, freelance ballet and contemporary dancer Eliza Sherlock-Lewis was hired for a brief project: one week of rehearsals culminating in two paid performances. A couple days in, she asked a fellow dancer if the director mentioned how […]

Take 5 for Your Career: Smart Spending

Financial planning for dancers usually runs along the lines of “How to live on pennies a day.” But what about when you begin to earn a steadier income? Whether you’re patching together several jobs or have landed a full-time position, you should develop a financial strategy. Budgeting may seem dour, even daunting. But a realistic […]

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