The Most Influential People in Dance Today: Gina Gibney

More than just a company or a studio space, Gibney Dance provides a hub for New York City’s dance artists, offering a wide array of resources: • choreographic mentorship • performance series • space grants and rentals • open classes and training programs • financial and digital technology advice • leadership seminars • town-hall–style gatherings […]

The Most Influential People in Dance Today: The Harkness Foundation for Dance

The breadth of support the New York City dance community receives from The Harkness Foundation for Dance is staggering: over $30 million to more than 560 organizations, from creators and presenters to education and dance medicine programs. The Foundation recently pledged to give $1 million each to Brooklyn Academy of Music, The Joyce Theater, New […]

The Most Influential People in Dance Today: Larissa Saveliev

Not only has Larissa Saveliev made competition “acceptable” for ballet students, but her blockbuster Youth America Grand Prix has given those students a chance to measure themselves against peers from across the world—and be seen by directors. More than 450 YAGP alums are currently dancing in professional companies around the world. Read the rest of […]

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