Why Okwui Okpokwasili Won't Call Herself a Dancer

It seems like everyone in New York’s experimental dance scene is talking about Okwui Okpokwasili right now. Her multidisciplinary work Poor People’s TV Room is in the middle of a much buzzed-about two-week run at New York Live Arts. But although the dance world loves her, Okpokwasili is hesitant to call herself a dancer. In […]

Why Sonya Tayeh Hasn't Slept This Month

I’ll admit it: I’ve been a Sonya Tayeh fangirl since I was a teen. Like many aspiring dancers from areas of the country where dance is a less appreciated art form, I watched “So You Think You Can Dance?” religiously. Living in a town hundreds of miles from anything remotely resembling contemporary dance, Tayeh’s first […]

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