Kayla Farrish is curled up on her side, twisting to stare up at the ceiling. Just behind her, a round clock leaning at an angle against a small table. She wears a bright yellow shirt and a floral patterned skirt.

9 Performances on Our Radar This March

March’s performance calendar is action-packed, with perspective-shifting premieres from women choreographers, ambitious works touring to the U.S., a pair of Broadway musicals inspired by popular novels, and more.

These Are The Performances Our Readers Loved The Most This Year

We asked you for nominations, compiled your suggestions and let you vote on your favorites. Here’s what you chose: Best Viral Video Winner : Andrew Winghart’s “Cry Me a River” Other Nominees: • Kyle Hanagami’s “Shape of You” • The Kennedy Center’s staff video for National Dance Day • Tiler Peck in Charlotte OC’s “Medicine […]

Vote for Our 2017 Readers' Choice Awards

It’s time! You submitted your nominations for the most memorable dance you saw this year. We narrowed down our favorites, and now it’s up to you to decide what will make it into our December issue. Voting will be open until September 25th. Only one submission per person will be counted. Loading…

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