young successful woman open arms on mountain peak

How “Well” Are Dancers, Really?

Last year’s Netflix hit “America’s Sweethearts,” a docuseries about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, displayed some maddeningly contradictory attitudes toward dancer health. One moment, performers were body shamed for failing to meet the team’s punishingly narrow standards; the next, they were scolded for not properly “fueling” themselves during practice. For many dancers, those scenes were all […]

ODC Fosters Artistic Community for San Francisco and Beyond

Brenda Way founded ODC/Dance in 1971 on the basis of one guiding question: “How can we help create a culture of art and art appreciation?” More than 50 years later, the depth of her organization’s programming speaks to Way’s community-based mission. ODC is a company, a school, a performance space and a dancer health clinic, but it’s the sum of […]

News of Note: What You May Have Missed in August 2019

Here are the latest promotions, appointments and transfers, plus notable awards and accomplishments from the last month. Comings & Goings At The Royal Ballet, Anna Rose O’Sullivan and Luca Acri have been promoted to first soloist, Romany Pajdak, Isabella Gasparini, Tomas Mock and David Yudes to soloist. Gary Avis and Samantha Raine have been appointed […]

6 Premieres and Programs on Our Editors' Must-See List This Month

A Broadway luminary and a postmodern darling bring their talents to ballet, a music video maven turns to the concert stage, and a contemporary choreographer gets soulful with Aretha Franklin. Our editors’ must-sees this May are all about the unexpected. A Late Commission Tanowitz in rehearsal at NYCB Erin Baiano, Courtesy NYCB NEW YORK CITY […]

How to Be the Kind of Understudy Your Company Can Depend On

You might feel like the second choice when you look at the casting sheet, but understudies are necessary, valued team members who are regularly called off the bench to perform—even with very little prep time. “It is like the ultimate trust exercise with your director,” says Mia J. Chong, who understudied many roles in ODC/Dance’s […]

5 Strategies To Help You Adapt to Any Choreographic Process

One choreographer wants to explore ideas through improvisation; another demands quick pickup of specific steps. One might demonstrate ideas physically; another may rely on language and gestures imbued with feeling. Puzzling out how to thrive in ever-changing creative environments is an ongoing practice, but a little preparation and the right mindset can go a long […]

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