Doug Fullington demonstrating a step for a group of dancers in the studio.

Doug Fullington on Awakening Pacific Northwest Ballet’s New Sleeping Beauty

Seattle native Doug Fullington has built an international reputation for resurrecting and restaging classical ballets from the 19th century, including a 2011 Pacific Northwest Ballet production of Giselle, created in collaboration with Marian Smith, professor emerita of music at the University of Oregon, and PNB artistic director Peter Boal. Fullington and Boal are now set […]

#MotivationMonday: Rose Adagio Edition

Mondays are hard. So is dance. And you know what’s just really, absurdly difficult? The Rose Adagio. So for your #MondayMotivation this week, we present to you five famous ballerinas tackling that epitome of classical elegance, technique and deceptively straightforward choreography—because if they can conquer four suitors in the first act of The Sleeping Beauty […]

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