3 Tactile Self-Care Techniques to Help Manage Difficult Emotions

Most of the popular self-care practices we think of are passive: meditation, taking a bath, zoning out watching Netflix. But according to psychotherapist and former Royal Ballet dancer Terry Hyde, a more active, tactile approach can feel more natural for dancers. “What you see in rehearsals is a lot of dancers hugging and holding each […]

How the Pandemic Changed Dancers’ Relationship With Stress

Fatigued muscles, brain overload and pre-performance nerves are only a few of the stressors dancers endured before COVID-19 interrupted our ecosystem. But over the past year, the pandemic morphed our preexisting stressors into different ones. We grappled with uncertainties related to health, safety and financial security. We asked ourselves questions like “What if I lose […]

These 7 Foods Can Fight Stress and Improve Your Mood

We all know that dancers are typically perfectionistic, highly-motivated, driven and capable of enduring physical pain. These same qualities that lead to success can also drive stress that eventually leads to burnout. But did you know that diet can play a role in taking care of your mental health? Research continues to demonstrate that nutrients […]

Feeling Crazy Stressed? Here Are 10 Ways to Find Your Chill

Along with the rewards of a dance career come numerous sources of stress, from the demands of a busy schedule to challenges in the studio. “We want to be perfect,” says Shuaib Elhassan, a dancer with Alonzo King LINES Ballet, “and we want to reach for the best we can do.” While occasional acute stress—like […]

Crying in the Studio Actually Offers These 3 Surprising Benefits

In my last years dancing, the tears came constantly. And I felt a deep shame and embarrassment every time it happened in the studio, which only exacerbated the situation. I felt my tears were giving me away—a manifestation of my weakness on display for all to see. The truth is that science has proven that […]

In a Slump? Here's How To Find Your Motivation Again

Let’s face it: The demands of a dancing life are extraordinary, and sometimes we would just rather not. “We all know those days where you have to wrench yourself out of bed and you’re shuffling to the shower because you’re so tired and it’s about all the effort that you can muster,” admits Pittsburgh Ballet […]

The Stress/Injury Connection

If you’re sitting out of rehearsal today, chances are you’re not alone: Dancers are among the most frequently injured of all athletes. The long hours of training, along with repetitive and wide-ranging movements, put dancers at an exceptional risk. But knowing you’re not the only one on the sidelines doesn’t make it any easier. “Dancers […]

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