A side-by-side image of Terry Notary in a motion-capture helmet next to the character Groot.

(Perhaps Unexpected) Career Avenues for Dance Artists in Hollywood

Though the Los Angeles dance scene already offers its own choreographic aesthetic and performance opportunities for dancers eager to head West, there are also a number of commercial-specific ways for movers to put their dance training to good—and perhaps unexpected—use. Movement coaching is a growing field in Hollywood, and certain subsets, like movement direction and […]

Meet the Motion Capture Star Who Brings Hollywood's Creatures to Life

When Hollywood needs to build a fantasy world populated with extraordinary creatures, they call Terry Notary. The former gymnast and circus performer got his start in film in 2000 when Ron Howard asked him to teach the actors how to move like Whos for How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Notary has since served as a […]

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