Young woman standing out, stationary in motion blurred crowd

Op-Ed: Should Dancers Say Yes to Every Opportunity?

The reality of a dancer’s life is often more complicated than what we imagined as young students. We must become not just powerful artists but also skilled marketers, social media managers, and self-care experts. This, coupled with the need to pay rent and buy food, can create a heavy schedule of work and art. Time […]

women and men writing in notebooks, on walls, on post its, and more.

How Can Dancers’ Knowledge Reshape Arts Administration Practices?

What does dance bring to a conversation about creative administration? Well, to start, dance artists have an embodied understanding of dynamic systems. The human body is a magnificent example of a dynamic system. Dances are dynamic systems, happening in the exchange between people, ideas, and perceptions, each new creative process and context generating new results. Many dance artists bring to creative administration a propensity for investigating underlying ideas and relationships, versus patching up problems without questioning the systems that gave rise to them.

a rack of hanging costumes

Will a New Law Combatting Height and Weight Discrimination Affect Hiring Practices in Dance?

A recent win for size inclusivity has even cemented itself legally: On May 26, 2023, New York City mayor Eric Adams signed new legislation to prohibit height or weight discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations, adding these two physical characteristics to the list of those protected, which includes race, gender, age, religion, and sexual orientation.

a male dancer wearing a pink unitard performing a grand jete on stage

How a Lack of Dance Criticism in the U.S. Affects International Dancers’ Visa Applications

In order to be approved for domestic employ­ment, professionals without a U.S. passport need exten­sive paperwork. For individuals and touring groups, part of that stack needs to be evidence supporting the petitioner’s claim that the dancer or ensemble is one of a kind and something special. The evidence should include dance reviews; petitions without them may be unsuccessful. For dance companies in cities without critics, this could ultimately mean fewer international artists.

two dancers performing on dimly lit stage

Why it’s Time to Stop Saying “My Dancers”

While the phrase “my dancers” may not deliberately subjugate dancers, the notion of ownership over other bodies, their work and their ideas is linked to patriarchal traditions and the legacy of slavery. With that in mind, the linguistic habit, used mostly as a shorthand—or even a term of endearment—becomes rather alarming.

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