James Whiteside Explores His Creepy Side As Arthur Pita's Haunted Tenant

When Arthur Pita brought his Metamorphosis to the Joyce in 2013, The Royal Ballet’s Edward Watson played the man who becomes a cockroach in Franz Kafka’s famous story. He was slithery, spiky and sticky, and the creepiness factor loomed large. It was like the performers and audience were trapped in this brilliantly bizarre nightmare together. […]

Sarasota Ballet Brings Ashton—And Marcelo Gomes—To the Joyce

Sarasota Ballet is returning to New York City’s Joyce Theater with a batch of rarely-seen Ashton works. But the big news is that guest artist Marcelo Gomes will be performing with the company. Yes, Gomes is back performing in New York, possibly for the first time since he resigned from American Ballet Theatre in December […]

Batsheva Is Back in NYC and Unafraid of Offending the Audience

The first piece that Ohad Naharin brought to New York City after taking over Batsheva Dance Company exploded onto the Brooklyn Academy of Music stage in 2002. The NYC dance audience knew immediately that something big was happening in Tel Aviv. The piece was Naharin’s Virus, and it seemed to embody both rage and a […]

Lar Lubovitch On Using Creative Blocks To His Advantage

Since starting his company in 1968, Lar Lubovitch has stood at the forefront of modern dance—although he is hesitant to label his work as “modern.” “I’ve always felt I’ve been making dances,” he says. “I’ve always called them dances and I’ve never been one to exclude any language of movement. When I’m making a dance […]

What Wendy's Watching: Petronio Straddles Past and Present

Stephen Petronio brings a bracing season to New York City’s Joyce Theater, where he has performed almost every year for 24 years. His work is exciting to the subscription audience as well as to many dance artists. He delves into movement invention at the same time as creating complex postmodern forms. The new work, Hardness […]

What Wendy's Watching: Wayne McGregor's Genome-Inspired Autobiography

Wayne McGregor is known for his extreme partnering—limbs pushed, pulled and flung in all directions. While his choreography may seem wild and crazy, he’s very thoughtful about the creative process. In our 2013 cover story, he talked about understanding your individual filters as choreographic thinking tools. In his current work, Autobiography, he applies a scientific […]

The Joyce Theater Is Letting Patrons Decide How Much To Pay for Tickets

What’s the biggest barrier preventing dancers and non-dancers alike from seeing more performances? We think it’s safe to say the answer is cost. New York City’s Joyce Theater, known for presenting acclaimed international and domestic companies representing a variety of genres, just launched two ticket initiatives that will offer $10 tickets for dance professionals, and […]

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