The Well-Read Dancer: PNB Principal Sarah Ricard Orza's Faves

Between being a Pacific Northwest Ballet principal, a doula and a mom, you’d think Sarah Ricard Orza wouldn’t have spare time to pick up a book. “It’s always something I’m saying I need to make more time for!” she says. “Growing up, we didn’t have a television, so reading was big in our house. Nowadays, […]

The Well-Read Dancer: Book Recs From The People Movers' Kate Ladenheim

The subject matter Kate Ladenheim tackles, not to mention the way she tackles it, is often wildly ambitious—a multipronged series digging into internalized misogyny and the social impact of glass ceilings, for example, or a farcical meditation on what it takes to “make it” as an artist, told largely through social media. It should come […]

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