Congrats to "Shockout," Our February Video of the Month Contest Winner
In “Shockout,” strobe lighting accentuates flex dancer Jamal Sterrett’s fluid, dynamic movement.
In “Shockout,” strobe lighting accentuates flex dancer Jamal Sterrett’s fluid, dynamic movement.
This exciting collaboration between b-boy Jegor Gordejev, aka Ego, and composer Andrey Zhilsky takes us on a journey of movement and music. The video features Gordejev and Zhilsky creatively break-dancing around a stark white room with guitars. Color Us With Sounds – Andrey Zhilsky & Ego
Enter to win Dance Magazine’s Video of the Month. We welcome any and all kinds of dance. You can submit as many different videos as you would like. Just keep each under five minutes long. The winner, chosen by Dance Magazine editors, will be featured in a future issue and on Dance Magazine‘s social media […]
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