The Vitamin That Helps Dancers Perform Better and Get Injured Less Often

File this under news that sounds too good to be true: A study published in last month’s International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance found that one little nutrient—vitamin D—could improve dancers’ strength and decrease their risk of injury. Known as “the sunshine vitamin” because of our body’s ability to produce it when exposed to […]

How To Keep Your Body Healthy in Winter Weather

As the temperatures drop and sweater weather begins, most of us groan at the thought of chilly muscles and achy bones. Dancers know that a cold winter can make our bodies feel “off.” Dance Magazine tapped Dr. Thomas Sanders, a board-certified foot and ankle specialist at The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics, to find out how […]

Are These 4 Everyday Habits Slowing You Down In The Studio?

Your body’s inner chemist knows exactly what to do to make you a slightly better version of yourself onstage. The excitement of performing gets your adrenal glands to release epinephrine, a hormone that makes your heart work harder and your senses get sharper. It also yields endorphins, boosting your confidence and artistry. But what if […]

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