The 8 Dancers You See at Every Audition

February 7, 2019

No matter what you’re auditioning for—whether it be a company or Broadway show—you’re bound to run into a few of the same types of people over and over. Here are eight dancers you’re pretty much guaranteed to see at every audition.

The One Who Always Has to Be Front and Center

Annoying as she might be, you’ve gotta admire that confidence.

The One with the Kind Soul

Struggling with the choreography? If she sees you having trouble, she’ll be right there to help.

The One Who Already Knows the Choreographer

She’s worked with this artist before, and they’re basically best friends. Which means she probably has this part in the bag. Which means your odds are that much slimmer. Ay.

The One with the Insane Body

Seriously, are her abs real?

The One Who’s in Over Her Head

Yes, dancers should push themselves, but at every audition, there’s always one dancer who’s clearly out of her league. (Enter the One with the Kind Soul to get her through it!)

The One Who’s a Childhood Friend You Haven’t Seen in Years

OMG! Ashley? From that summer program that one time?? How are you, girl??!!

The One Who Got the Part You Wanted Last Time

We don’t hold grudges, but…

The One with the Perfect Technique

We just learned the combo five seconds ago, but she’s already nailing it—and making every pirouette a quad? WE WANT TO BE HER WHEN WE GROW UP.