10 Weird Habits Every Dancer Has
We Can’t Stop Moving
Sitting still just isn’t in our DNA! We’re always jumping and moving around no matter where we are—which can, depending on the setting, get a bit embarrassing.
We Do a Penchée Every Time We Bend Down
Oops, did you just drop your phone? We’ll get it for you—while doing the most perfect penchée you’ve ever seen. At this point, it’s just second nature.
We Constantly Crack Our Joints
Our hands, our knees, our backs—you name it, we’re definitely cracking it at least 10 times a day.
We’re ALWAYS Turned-Out
Whether we’re standing in line at Starbucks or waiting for the bus, we can’t help but turn out.
We Mark Choreo with Our Hands
No, that’s not sign language. We’re just casually going through the choreography we learned last night.
We Stretch Literally Anywhere
On the kitchen counter? Check. In a movie theater seat? Check. At our locker before 4th period? Check. WE ARE NEVER NOT STRETCHING.
We Fill Our Bags with Not-So-Ordinary Supplies
Seriously, us dancers work some Mary Poppins magic to get all that weird stuff in there—from tennis balls to dental floss to medical tape.
We Do Everything in a Split
Whether we’re reading a book or watching the latest episode of “So You Think You Can Dance,” odds are good we’re in a split.
We’re Happy to Walk Around in a Leotard
Dance clothes are basically our entire wardrobe, so, no shame. (Leotard + shorts = an entirely acceptable summer outfit.)
We’re Always Asking “What Song is This?”
Sorry, but we’re constantly choreographing in our heads, and we need to know what song to look up later!