7 Tips for Managing Your Side Hustle
Dance is your passion. But it doesn’t always pay the bills. So, you get a side hustle. But integrating that side hustle into your life without draining your time and energy for dance is easier said than done. Making it all work together is its own art form.
Set yourself up for success.
It’s essential that your side hustle have some scheduling flexibility to accommodate auditions, rehearsals, performances, etc. Negotiate this with your would-be boss up front, or with yourself if you own your side business. Service industry or retail positions may give you some leeway, as will freelance gigs like graphic design, photography or grant writing.
Write it all down, and play the long game.
Using an old-school day planner or Google calendar will help you keep your schedules in line. Add extra calendar alerts in your phone to make sure you don’t forget about daily tasks. If you know that you have a deadline looming, set alerts several weeks in advance, so you don’t end up losing sleep to complete the task at the last minute.
Learn to say no.
It may be tempting to push yourself. But sometimes you need to say no in order to avoid over-committing. Stand up for yourself to ensure you have enough time and headspace to devote to dance. Check in with yourself often to reassess if your needs are being met.
More virtue, less vice.
Keeping a busy schedule with both side hustle and dance obligations means that fueling your body is especially important. Healthy foods, adequate sleep and hydration will keep you moving. Too much alcohol or too little sleep will, of course, have the opposite effect. Choose a side hustle that won’t wear you out: A yoga studio might provide a calm, environment, with space for the occasional stretch break, while working in a warehouse schlepping packages may be more draining.
Self-care is key.
Discover ways to help your body to recover from a long work week; two jobs and twice the work makes self-care doubly important. Massage, acupuncture, a chiropractor visit or an old-fashioned bubble bath can help you rejuvenate. Use a foam roller or yoga wheel for a quick pick-me-up at home and at work. Keep treats in your bag for a quick mood reset: a healthy snack, a bright shade of lipstick or some calming essential oils can go a long way.
Take a technology vacation
Rest your mind by unplugging from work emails and social media. You can even schedule this as you would any other task. Try taking Sundays away from the internet altogether, or experiment with smaller increments, like the first 30 minutes after waking up in the morning. By repurposing this time for creative hobbies or connecting with friends, you can create a clear separation between work and play, staving off burnout from your side hustle.
Be the star you are.
Leverage skills from your dance training to help you succeed in non-dance settings. A side hustle is still a “performance” of sorts; the poise and composure learned in class and rehearsal will help you shine, especially working with people in a teaching or customer service setting.