Gibney Dance Promises Edgy Fall Season
Johanna S. Meyer’s “piece.piece.” Photo by Natalie Fiol.
The enterprising Gibney Dance just announced its four-month performance season. Besides hosting a wide range of dance classes and renting space to every kind of dancemaker, they now produce “Making Space,” one of the most interesting fall series in New York.
The emerging dance artists slated for September and October are looking at the female body, the black male body, the aging dancer’s body, the conquering and failed bodies, and the restless body.
Marguerite Hemmings, curated by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar. Photo by Delwin Kamara.
Then in November and December, repeating the format from last year, will be dancers curating dancers. We’ll see evenings assembled by downtown stars Tere O’Connor, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Yasuko Yokoshi, and Jennifer Monson.
Check out those links. This is the kind of series that makes New York New York.
And before all that begins, catch Heidi Latsky’s Somewhere this coming Saturday, as part of Gibney’s Dance-Mobile series, at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Latsky has redefined poetry in dance with her inclusiveness of differently abled bodies. As you can see from her “Choreography in Focus,” her work can be very moving.