Happy Birthday Balanchine!

January 21, 2013

On this day in 1904 Giorgi Melitonovitch Balachivadze was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. You probably recognize him as George Balanchine, co-founder of the New York City Ballet and one of the greatest choreographers to ever create a ballet.  To celebrate the anniversary of his birth, we rounded up a few Dance Magazine articles on his work and his legacy. From cover stories on post-Balanchine NYCB dancers, to an article about how the School of American Ballet is keeping the his teachings current. Enjoy! 


Secrets of Serenade: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/September-2010/Secrets-of-iSerenadei


When Balanchine Went Home: Dancers remember NYCB’s historic 1962 tour: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/August-2012/When-balanchine-went-home


Celebrating 75: SAB Looks Back and Ahead: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/January-2009/Celebrating-75-SAB-Looks-Back-and-Ahead


Our September 2011 cover story on up-and-coming men at NYCB: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/September-2011/The-Golden-Guys


Our June 2012 cover story on Sara Mearns: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/June-2012/No-holds-barred


Our May 2010 cover story on Tiler Peck: http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/May-2010/The-Magnetic-Tiler-Peck