In Training: Put It Into Words
The performance portion of a University of New Mexico dancer’s thesis. Photo by Brenda Portillo, courtesy UNM.
Barnard College
New York, NY
Degree offered
: BA in dance
No. of majors
: 12–14 per class
Writing courses
: Barnard offers dance criticism, in which students analyze live performances and footage from the library’s large video collection. They respond to readings by and about significant dance figures, and, in some technique courses, write reflections on their time in the studio. Local critics, like The New York Times’ Alastair Macaulay, have given guest lectures.
Senior year
: Students complete a one-semester written thesis on a topic of their choice. This is in addition to a creative project in the spring.
Published work
: Select theses and other writings have been submitted to on-campus journals, as well as publications like DanceView and Ballet Review.
Barnard offers several courses that require students to attend and write about performances in New York City.
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA
Degree offered
: BA in dance
No. of majors
: 4–5 total
Writing courses
: Students critique live performances, respond to lectures and readings and keep journals about their experiences in the studio. Faculty members meet with them to discuss their writing, and assignments are often workshopped in class to help students further develop their ideas.
Senior year
: Dancers complete either a written or choreographic project. If choreographic, they often keep process journals and write a final evaluation of their work.
Published work
: Students submit to on-campus publications and writing competitions.
Many Bryn Mawr dancers double major or minor, so their theses are often interdisciplinary.
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Degree offered
: BA in dance, with concentrations in contemporary and flamenco
No. of majors
: About 55 total
Writing courses
: The university offers dance criticism and four sections of dance history, and many technique courses have a writing component. Students analyze performances and respond to readings in history, criticism, kinesiology and dance pedagogy. UNM co-hosts an annual international flamenco festival, where students attend conferences and lectures, and hear academics speak about their work.
Senior year
: Some students opt to complete an honors thesis on a topic of their choice.
Published work
: Students have published their theses or presented their work at the Congress on Research in Dance.
Some UNM BA courses are combined with MA and MFA students, creating opportunities to collaborate.