Job Opportunities in a Cool Place
Ever been to Helsinki? A vibrant city on the southern coast of Finland, the place is sprawling with contemporary art, architecture, fashion, music, and of course, saunas. And if you like smoked fish, reindeer, and gorgeous Nordic landscapes—the city might be for you. So how convenient that the Finnish National Ballet, based right in Helsinki, is looking for dancers to fill vacancies in their main troupe as well as their new youth company, which they’re launching this August.
FNB is a large company—employing 73 dancers—that performs diverse rep by a slew of choreographers including Jorma Elo (a fellow Finn), Ohad Naharin, Forsythe, Kylián, and Balanchine. The twelve dancers (between the ages of 17 and 23) selected for the youth company will be rehearsing and performing alongside the main company—a pretty cool gig for young artists. Click here to learn more about the audition in August, though act fast—applications are due July 1.
Nervous about upcoming auditions? If it’s the improvisational part of the process that freaks you out, read this for an improv primer. Or if you’re totally not sure what to expect, check out this article, in which four dancers share stories of auditions that pushed them out of their comfort zones and into employment. You may find that a little inspiration will help. —Jenny Dalzell