New Year's Resolutions From Our 2019 "25 to Watch"
By now, you’ve probably gotten to know our latest “25 to Watch” picks. We’re expecting great things from them in the year to come, but what do they have in mind for 2019? For a little New Year’s inspiration, we asked a few of them to share the resolutions they’ll be carrying into next year.
Jessica He
He in Balanchine’s Who Cares? Photo by Kim Kinney, Courtesy Atlanta Ballet
In the new year, I want to bring mindfulness into my everyday life and into the studio. I aim to work on being fully present in each moment and experience, aware of where I am and what I’m doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around me. I also resolve to be more courageous and confident, and to trust myself when it comes to things that may be out of my comfort zone.
Adeene Denton
Photo courtesy Denton
I view resolutions as guidelines rather than goals, so I tend to make them rather broad, but I do have two for 2019 that I think are relevant:
1. As part of my research I’ve started a new project looking at the formation of massive impact basins on solar system objects from the Moon to Pluto, and I want to use the unique physics observed in their formation as the basis for a new dance project thinking about fluidization of group movement as an exploration of turning geologic motion into physical motion.
2. To engage the planetary science community in a more humanistic approach to our future exploration goals and projects, including discussion of how to broaden artistic engagement as well as developing an inclusive feminist future for space exploration.
Aran Bell
Bell in rehearsal. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor, Courtesy ABT
I feel like New Year’s resolutions are pretty dicey. I mean, if there is something important that needs to be done, I’ve already done it, am in the process of doing it or I need to stop pretending like it’s going to get done. So, I would say, the New Year is a good time to re-evaluate my priorities.
Stephanie Troyak
Troyak in Pina Bausch’s The Seven Deadly Sins. Photo by Jochen Viehoff, Courtesy Troyak
1. One goal is to launch a YouTube channel series I’ve been working on with my boyfriend John. I get tons of questions on social media from aspiring dancers about what it’s like living abroad, navigating Europe, company life, etc. It’s been been a journey for me for sure! So we have started to build a channel to help dancers into this crazy industry (and to provide insight into us as a couple.) Look out for “In Bed with Steph & John” in the new year, where you can cuddle up in bed on your laptop and chat with us while we do the same!
2. Learn German—I know the basics, but I want to get more fluent.
3. Go to bed an hour earlier at night to get an extra hour in the morning. I’m the girl that wakes up and runs out the door, but I would so benefit from taking my time, planning the day and enjoying my morning coffee before leaving the house.
4. Finding consistency when I tour. When I travel, it’s really hard to stick to my usual routine, but I’m looking to find more balance!
Nic Gareiss
Gareiss in his Solo Square Dance. Photo by HR Photography, Courtesy Gareiss
I’ve resolved to keep a weekly public blog post as a means of sharing and archiving the cultural dance traditions I’m researching and creating with.
Paul Morland
Morland in Rashaun Mitchell + Silas Riener’s SWITCH. Photo by Paula Lobo, Courtesy Morland
From 2019 until forever, I will give time and love to the lifelong process of meeting myself in totality. I will trust that every moment past was the only way, but also reflect on and harvest something from these experiences. I will acknowledge the infinite beauty of everything!
Sydney Dolan
Dolan as Dew Drop in Balanchine’s The Nutcracker. Photo by Arian Molina Soca, Courtesy Pennsylvania Ballet
1. Better my dancing through all aspects of life, like other art forms, nature and the people around me, to give my dancing more depth and meaning.
2. Improve with positivity rather than negativity.
3. Make each performance better than the last.
4. Widen the variety of my cooking with new foods, spices and techniques.
5. Enjoy small things I often take for granted.
6. Approach every day with gratitude.
7. Always think about my posture!
8. Live every moment with friends, family and dancing to the fullest.
Micaela Taylor
Photo by Tatiana Willis, Courtesy Taylor
My New Year’s resolution is to find the joy in each season of my life—whether it is difficult or pleasant!