5 Reasons We're STILL Loving the @balletmoods Instagram
Having a rough week? Whether you’re dealing with rehearsal exhaustion, an annoying injury or casting disappointments, we’ve all been there. And the hilarious dancers behind @balletmoods—our favorite by-pro-dancers-for-pro-dancers Instagram page (besides the equally and delightfully sarcastic @biscuitballerina)—have got your back too. And your funny bone.
Back in August, we shared a few of their original, sometimes irreverent, ballet memes, and we couldn’t resist checking in on what they’ve made since. Yup, they’re still capturing dance humor that’s spot on, with the perspective that only seasoned pros can pull off (though the identities of these comics/ballerinas has yet to be revealed). Whatever mood ballet’s got you in, @balletmoods knows how you feel.
Temping, very tempting
This was literally all of us last week.
Overachiever status, right here. This means I automatically get the lead, right?
The horror: Even those blessed with the most supple feet sometimes visit Biscuit Land.